Sunscreen Blinds

Sunscreen Blinds Overview

Sunscreen blinds offer an ideal solution for minimizing heat and cold intrusion while safeguarding your furnishings from harmful UV rays. These blinds allow natural light into your space while effectively blocking harsh sunlight, ensuring your complete comfort.

Available in roller blinds, panel glides, and roman shades, sunscreen blinds come in a wide array of colors and openness levels, allowing you to optimize your outside view. They are a wise choice for window furnishings, particularly in the Gold coast, Brisbane climate where protection from the intense sun is essential.

Interested in exploring our range of sunscreen blinds firsthand? Locate your nearest showroom online or request an appointment for a member of our team to visit you directly.

Features & Benefits

  • Interior blinds come in a diverse range of colors to complement your decor.
  • Compatible with dual roller blinds, providing the flexibility of filtered light alongside blockout roller operation.
  • Brackets and trim styles are available in an extensive range of colors, ensuring seamless integration with your decor.